Suitable for young milk-fed lambs from four days of age. NRM Lamb Start Mix is a high quality, nutritious textured starter feed formulated to allow young lambs to achieve their full potential.
- Contains a mix of highly palatable ingredients in a muesli style which helps to encourage early intake.
- Contains high quality proteins to support the rapid growth of young lambs (19% crude protein)
- Contains a lamb specific vitamins and trace element pack which is required for optimal growth and health.
- Contains a coccidiostat to prevent coccidiosis (a common parasitic protoza common in lambs)
- Contains essential oils for improved gut health of lambs.
- Stimulating early rumen development is important as it helps to ensure a smooth weaning and no post weaning growth check.
- Getting early intake of hard feed is the key to rumen development and having a highly attractive hard feed is important supporting early intakes while lambs are still on milk.
- Protein is extremely important for supporting muscle and skeletal growth in young, rapidly growing animals.
- Lambs have a lower requirement for copper compared to calves so it is important a lamb specific vitamin and trace element pack is included in a lamb feed to prevent copper toxicity.
- Coccidiosis is an issue often seen in young lambs. Lambs are more prone as they are still developing immunity to the parasite. A coccidiostat aids to prevent this issue.
- Essential oils help to improve the health of the digestive system and also stimulates feed intake.