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Poseidon MetaboLize


Science-based and vet-approved formulation with a unique mix of three flavonoids plus our prebiotic and post-biotic blend. 

All natural MetaboLize® is highly palatable and has a low daily serve of 3 to 6 grams, so for a 400kg pony a 90 gram sachet should last around 30 days.


  • Eucalyptus Globulus
  • Ampelopsis Grossedentata
  • Sophora Japonica
  • Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Prebiotic and Postbiotic.

How to feed

For horses and ponies up to 400kg feed one scoop per day. For horses over 400kg, feed two scoops a day.

The supplied scoop holds 3 grams.

Introduce MetaboLize® gradually over 7 days, mixed thoroughly through feed. Always seal the sachet well. If you have questions or concerns do contact us.

MetaboLize® FAQ

What Is The Science Behind MetaboLize® And How Does It Work?

MetaboLize® contains a unique blend of gastrointestinal-acting microflora-enhancing compounds that aim to support a healthy equine metabolism. MetaboLize® is designed to encourage the gut to produce a favourable microflora population, helping to provide optimum conditions for the maintenance of optimal metabolic function.

Good equine gut health is essential for your horse's well-being.

  1. It ensures efficient nutrient absorption.
  2. Promotes a strong immune system.
  3. Reduces the risk of digestive issues.
  4. Supports horses at risk of obesity, laminitis and inflammation.

With a healthy gut, your horse will have increased energy, better coat condition, and overall improved performance.

Many more horses and ponies have participated in trialing the product separately. Every person reported positive changes in their animals’ health and wellbeing, including benefits like increased energy and willingness to move, a reduction in fat lumps, easier weight management, and reduced episodes of laminitis.

What Are The Ingredients?

Our ingredients are listed on the product page. It’s a proprietary mix of three powerful naturally occurring flavonoids - chlorogenic acid, myricetin and quercetin which are sourced from the plants Eucalyptus Globulus, Vine Tea and Sophora Japonica - plus Saccharomyces Cerevisiae derived prebiotic and postbiotic for added gut support.

Flavonoids are phytonutrients, amazing naturally occurring chemicals found in plants and berries, which have a wide range of health benefits. Our plant-based flavonoids in MetaboLize® have strong antioxidant activity which can also boost intestinal barrier function, and may  also assist a healthy immune system – both of which support the many flow-on benefits of good gut health and strong immunity.

When Would You Recommend I feed MetaboLize®?

Diet and exercise should always be the first order of management for horses and ponies. However, there are times where it’s simply not enough. In these instances, MetaboLize® can be an invaluable tool in helping to manage and support ponies and horses that are:

  • Unable to metabolize and store simple or complex carbohydrates
  • Overweight and obese
  • Prone to laminitis and grass founder
  • Prone to cresty necks and fat lumps
  • Insulin resistant / dysregulated
  • Suffering from EMS and / or Cushings(PPID)
  • Sugar sensitive
  • Unable to lose weight
  • Prone to chronic inflammation and laminitis
  • Too stiff and sore from the inflammatory processes from abnormal sugar metabolism for significant exercise.
  • Not responding to dietary and exercise regimens to correct their dysregulation.

How Would I Need To Feed MetaboLize®?

Plant-based MetaboLize® is a yellow powdered feed supplement, easy to mix with any oils or wet feeds such as beet fibre. Alternatively add to your daily feed and wet down.  Feed 1 scoop per day for horses up to 400 kg, and 2 scoops for horses over 400 kg. 1 scoop weighs 3 grams. Always introduce supplements slowly over a period of 7 days.

Best practice is to feed MetaboLize® in two feeds per day. This aims to provide your horse with longer periods of glucose diversion and may allow for better and quicker adjustment out of insulin dysregulation. BUT, we get that sometimes feeding twice per day is not possible. If this is the situation you are in, you can feed it in one meal per day.

How Long Will MetaboLize® Last? 

MetaboLize® comes in 2 sizes 90 gms and 180 gms and the number of servings will depend on your horse's weight:

  90 gm 180 gm
Up to 400 kg 30 serves/ days 60 serves/ days
400 kg + 15 serves/ days 30 serves/ days

How Do I Introduce MetaboLize® to my horses?

It is best practice to introduce all new feeds and supplements into a horse’s diet over a period of 7 days. This is particularly important for horses prone to digestive disturbances like colic and diarrhoea, or horses prone to Laminitis. What we suggest is:

  • Days 1 and 2 - ¼ recommended serve
  • Days 3 and 4 – ½ recommended serve
  • Days 5 and 6 – ¾ recommended serve
  • Day 7 onwards – full recommended serve

How Soon Might I See A Result From Using MetaboLize®?

Every horse is different, but many horse owners who are using MetaboLize® are reporting seeing improved physical changes as early as 4-5 days, with horses appearing more comfortable and able to move about more freely.  The softening of fatty lumps often begins to occur within two weeks, and should continue to improve over time. 

As your horse starts to process the sugars in their diet more normally you should see an improvement, particularly in horses with chronic Laminitis.  Horses will become brighter and more engaged with life, and show a desire and ability to move and exercise more freely.

If you don’t see a result that quickly, don’t panic. Some horses will naturally take longer to respond, especially if they have  a greater level of insulin dysregulation.

How Do I Store MetaboLize® ?

Store below 25°C in a dry place and avoid storing in places where moisture in places where moisture or condensation is found.

Where Can I Buy MetaboLize®?

You can buy directly online from Poseidon Animal Health. Additionally, we have it available in select retail stores. To find your closest distributor or retail store head to our Stockists page.

Is MetaboLize® Safe For Laminitic Horses?

MetaboLize® has been designed specifically with Laminitic horses in mind. It can safely be used in horses with laminitis and does not contain any ingredients that may cause Laminitis. Just as with everything with Laminitic horses, introduce it slowly, just to be on the safe side.

MetaboLize® should only be used in consultation with your veterinarian in any horse or pony suffering from a medical disorder.

What Should I Feed My Horse If I’m Feeding MetaboLize®?


The majority of horses will maintain weight and perform best on a forage-based diet, including those with high energy requirements. Horses have evolved to graze constantly on fibrous feedstuff and how the gastrointestinal tract is designed and functions reflects this.

The bulk of your horse’s diet should be forage, including pasture or hay. As a rule, your horse requires a minimum of 1.5% of their body weight in forage per day (on a dry matter basis) but we recommend 2% to maintain normal gut function.

Due to the nature of pasture and hay, which are both long stem fibre sources, horses are required to chew these for longer compared with alternate forage sources like chaff, hay cubes etc, which are short stem fibre. Increased chewing encourages more saliva production, naturally buffering the stomach and its contents. Increased time spent chewing long stem fibre forage sources also maintains a steady flow of feed into the stomach for a longer period.

These long stem fibres also contain what is known as effective fibre, which is fibre that remains undigested as it passes through the gut. Effective fibre is important for allowing the horse to produce manure and shift unwanted material like sand out of the hindgut.

During fermentation of fibre by the bacteria in the hindgut, volatile fatty acids (VFA’s) are produced which are absorbed by the horse and utilised by the body to form energy. As well as providing the horse with energy, important vitamins like B1, biotin and vitamin K are produced during bacterial fermentation of fibre in the hindgut.

If you’re providing adequate high quality forage, but your horse’s desired body condition is not achieved, you can increase your horse’s energy intake further with various ingredients.

High energy fibres 

Including soybean hulls, copra meal and sugar beet pulp. These feedstuffs are similar to pasture and hay, however the fibre they contain is more readily digested by the bacteria in the hindgut meaning they contain a similar amount of calories as cereal grains. These feeds are particularly well suited to horses that become excitable and hyperactive when fed grain based feeds.

Cereal grains and grain based feeds

Cereal grains should not be used in the diets of horses with Cushing’s disease (PPID) or those susceptible to laminitis.

Cereal grains are well known as being high energy feeds and are useful in the diet of horses that have increased energy demands such as horses in heavy exercise, broodmares in late pregnancy or early lactation and some growing horses.

However, some grains and grain based feeds are more suitable than others. When selecting grains to feed it is critical that the starch within the grain (which is the high energy component) is digested in the small intestine. Grains that are digested in the small intestine will provide your horse with more calories and ensure your horse avoids problems with hindgut acidosis. To ensure the starch is digested in the small intestine, select grains or grain based feeds that have been cooked/micronized/extruded.

High fat feeds and oils

High fat feeds and oils are the highest energy feedstuffs you can give a horse. Fats and oils hold two major advantages over high energy fibrous feeds and cereal grains. The first is they are energy dense meaning you don’t have to add large quantities to the diet.

The second advantage of high fat feeds and oils is their energy is not from starch and sugars as with cereal grains so they don’t tend to make a horse as hyperactive as the same quantity of energy supplied in the form of cereal grains, and they are also a safe form of calories/energy for horses with Cushing’s disease (PPID) or Laminitis. In addition, they do not carry the risks of digestive upsets that accompany cereal grains.


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