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Orijen Senior Dog

by Orijen

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Orijen Senior Dry Dog Food is loaded with high-levels of dietary protein vital to your dog's health. Made from fresh whole animal ingredients, it is packed with natural source of nutrients that caters to your dog’s diet needs and brings concentrated nourishment essential to your dog’s immune system. With its freeze-dried chicken and turkey liver infusions, even the fussiest of older dogs would enjoy its deliciously tasty flavour!

Key Benefits:

  • High-protein and carbohydrate-limited food for leaner muscle mass and prevention of obesity and diabetes
  • 85% fresh meat, 15% vegetables, 0% grain and other plant protein concentrates
  •  Preservative-free and premium meat inclusions that are fresh, raw, and never frozen
  • Supports your dog metabolism and detoxifies the body.
  • No synthetic supplements added except Zinc to deliver natural and complete nutritional value.